Care for All of Creation
St. Francis was concerned with the well-being of everyone and everything around him. He and his followers focused on the uniqueness of every part of creation. Franciscan friar, Fr. Dan Horan, OFM, says, “Recognizing the dignity of all life should compel us to see beyond our own needs and desires, our own fears and anxiety, to appreciate the connectedness that calls us to support one another and care for all of creation.”
The Felician Sisters who started the ministry of Felician Village, among other ministries across the country, have presented their Corporate Stance, which includes a statement on creation: “We, the Felician Sisters of North America, will improve our efforts to care for our common home. We will examine our own behaviors and make concrete changes to lessen our negative impact on creation. Our commitment to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform will guide our efforts. We will add our collective voice in advocacy efforts urging corporations and governments to adopt policies that protect the environment and provide justice to people most affected by climate change.”
Individually, we can make a difference. Our choices in what we purchase, how we use transportation, and our focus on sustainable practices can all help. Our support of organizations that make a concerted effort to treat all creation as the handiwork of God has an impact.
Blessed Angela: “Perform all activities as much as possible with a pure intention of pleasing God.”