Felician Village is Unique
Felician Village is a non profit senior living organization whose rich history of caring for the elderly and often poor residents started in 1887. Since then we continue caring for our residents and each other as Blessed Angela commands us, “Where there is a need, fill it.” YOU have helped us fill so many needs. We operate as a non profit 501c (3) organization (EIN 39-0826123). This tax status allows us to raise funds for the organization and those we serve.
So, what is the difference between a non-profit vs. for-profit organizations?
Senior care facilities are both, yet there are key differences between a non-profit and for-profit:
Non-profits are formed explicitly to benefit the public good and focus on social causes; For-profit organizations may have a variety of goals; their
primary mission is to generate profit and develop effective products and services that are valuable to consumers.
Fundraising through donations is important to the advancement of our organization. Contributing to Felician Village provides a tax benefit (as
deemed by the IRS) to the donor by allowing gifts to be deducted from their tax returns. Funds are used to benefit our residents and campus through a variety of programs and services, including the Dementia Center of Excellence, Blessed Angela Chapel enhancements, SNOEZELEN Sensory Room, Resident Activities, and a steady growth in our Cornerstone Endowment Fund for the Poor.
Nearly $2.5M has been raised and donated to Felician Village in the last 12 years!
(Pictured above L to R: FV leaders, Frank Soltys and Atty. Jack Cashman and Board Chair, Felician Services, Inc. )