Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care

We might think that in order to serve God well, we have to be perfect. But, God calls imperfect people all the time. In fact, I don’t know anyone who is perfect, but I know a lot of wonderful servants of God! We see early on in Scripture that this is the case. Moses, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all tell God that they are not really up to the task he’s asking them to do. God doesn’t wait for them to get their acts together. He wants them as they are. And we have the Holy Bible to tell us that they did well at their tasks.

Jesus calls some men who were fishers. They were not men who were leaders at the temple, wise in the Law, nor models of holiness. They were tired after fishing all night, but they dragged themselves into the boat at Jesus’ request. When he stunned them with a huge catch of fish, he told them that their new job would be to fish for people. We too can respond to that call even when it seems unexpected or outlandish.

We could ignore the call, especially when we think that we can’t possibly have the same kinds of results as those who have training in theology. But, the apostles who were fishing listened to Jesus, set out into deep waters, and came back with an amazing catch. Then, as fishers of people, they ended up bringing many to the faith, both Jews and Gentiles.

Blessed Angela knew that she was called to serve. She didn’t know how to do that right away. She thought at first that she was meant to live a cloistered life. But, she realized that her call was different. She was destined to offer herself in unselfish service to the poor and the needy. She created a ministry for orphan children and for widows, those around her who had nowhere to turn. And she ended up with a congregation of sisters who also offered themselves to focus on God’s priorities.

Like Blessed Angela, like the apostles, like the prophets, we are called by God through our baptism to live a Gospel life. We can share God’s love with others through our service in a manner that fits who we are and what our gifts are. We can engage in daily conversion, returning to God each day to seek what His will is for our lives and how we can serve God’s people. We might not be perfect, but we can certainly work for God’s kingdom.  

Blessed Angela: “God is close to those who call upon Him. He awakens the apathetic with a holy word, strengthens the weak, supports those who struggle against odds, crowns the victorious.”

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