Is it Time for Assisted Living?

Written by Lisa Voda, Director of Assisted Living

The question I get asked the most is, “How do I know if my loved one is ready for assisted living? Mom says she is fine living alone but it seems I am helping her with more and more. I don’t mind but with winter coming, I’m afraid I won’t always be available for her.”

Although moving to assisted living is definitely a change, those who need assistance with daily activities such as bathing, cooking or cleaning might be ready. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help determine if your loved one is safe living alone or would benefit from assisted living.

Has your loved one fallen recently? If your loved one has had a fall, how long could they be stuck before someone is able to help them? Frequent falls are usually a sign that more help may be required and assisted living could help.

Is your loved one taking all of their prescribed medications as prescribed? If they miss taking their medication because they forget, assisted living staff can make sure they are taking the medication they need as prescribed.

Do they have problems doing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)? Can your loved one cook for themselves? Can they do their own laundry? Living in a facility that handles things like cooking, cleaning and laundry can give your loved one time for socializing and enjoying time spent with you.

Have you noticed hygiene problems? Have you noticed your loved one has stopped taking care of themselves like they used to? This can be a sign someone is having a hard time bathing, which puts them at risk of infection and increases the likelihood of a mental and emotional decline. Problems with self-care or other ADL’s are a sign someone may not be okay living by themselves.

Have they left their home and gotten lost? Have you notice your loved one wandering out of their home without a clear sense of where they’re going? Wandering is often a sign of dementia. If this problem persists, talk with your loved one and their healthcare provider. Many times people who have dementia benefit from living in an assisted living facility with a memory care unit designed to make their life safer and ease anxiety and confusion.

Are they isolated or withdrawn? Has your loved one stopped participating in social activities they used to enjoy? Do they go days without leaving their house? If so, talk to them about why. They may be scared to drive or be uncomfortable participating in social events that used to make them happy. There are many activities and social events at assisted livings that your loved one will be able to participate in.

Does your loved one seem happy? Even if they’re capable of caring for themselves, they might be ready for a change. If they don’t seem happy, ask whether a change in their living situation could improve things.

If you or your loved think it’s time for assisted living or would like a FREE consultation, please contact me at 920-684-7171, ext. 411 or For more information about assisted living options on the Felician Village campus.

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