Posted in Living Life on Purpose

Written by: Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care

Sometimes we come across a phrase that we’ve seen many times, but in this particular instance, we stop and consider what it really means. When people say to “live intentionally,” what does that mean to you? Intentional can mean deliberate, calculated, done on purpose, planned, studied, conscious, considered, purposeful, and premeditated, among other synonyms. I stared at the word a while this time that I saw the phrase. Could this phrase be reminding me to take time to study my surroundings with purpose, deliberately? I went on a walk and might have passed by these little purple flowers I saw if I had not been deliberate about noticing my surroundings. They peeked out of the ground, surrounded by rocks, ferns, and moss. Living intentionally caused me to take note.

I also thought about how prayers can be called “intentions,” like something we ask that God would plan to carry out. Could “live intentionally,” be reminding me to pray? Should I start noticing more the needs of those around me, being intentional about my prayer intentions? What is causing those stirrings in my soul to pray?

When we take the time to live intentionally, we pay attention. We see the beauty around us in the people and in the natural world. We notice the time worn hands of someone we love. The little spider web in the corner becomes more evident. We are aware of the stirrings within our hearts. It means not rushing from one thing to the next so that we can really be conscious of this moment.

Psalm 51 says, “Lord, open my lips and my mouth will proclaim your praise.” As I strive to live intentionally, I also ask, “Lord, open my eyes that I may see the need around me and the beauty of all that you have created.”

Blessed Angela: “Prayer is our full treasure.”

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