Living in Love
Written by Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care
At our recent Town Hall meetings, I shared a quotation from Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA. She said, “Sometimes people think they have to do big things in order to make change. But if each one would light a candle, we would have a tremendous light.” Sister Thea is being considered for sainthood and is called Servant of God as her title on her path to canonization. She lit a candle, shining light on work for human dignity and social justice. Her legacy of “living in love,” continues to be celebrated at the Sister Thea Bowman Center at Viterbo University, at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University that she helped to found, and at similar centers and institutions across the country where her work is recognized and emulated.
Her work gave voice to those who were brought low by racism. She worked with children to help them understand that each one is a gift from God, and that their cultural heritage is something to inspire pride. Her light came through in poetry, song, preaching, and teaching. As we continue to observe Black History month, let us all work to foster an inclusive environment, to raise awareness of social inequalities, and work to meet the needs of those who are underserved. Each voice, each person, is a representation of God in our world. Our little contribution may seem like a drop in the ocean, but that huge ocean comes from each drop combining with another and another and another. One candle may not seem like it offers much light, but combined together, as Sister Thea said, there is a tremendous light. What are you being called to accomplish? What light are you being called to shine?
Blessed Angela: “Before each activity say: May this be for your glory, O Lord.”