Meet Sister Rosalie
Getting to know a little about Sr. M. Rosalie Disterhaft for Catholic Sisters Week
My life began on a small farm in North Central Wisconsin. The love of nature and the love of the land was instilled in me from very early on. I was baptized Doris Jane and at my investiture, received the name of Sr. Mary Rosalie.
My desire to serve God’s People, His Church, and hopefully make a difference in the lives of others and a love for God led me to answer the inner call to follow in a Religious Vocation. I entered the Felician Aspirancy and received my High School Education at Good Counsel High School in Chicago, Illinois. After completing High School in June, I was accepted into the Felician sisters Postulancy to begin my formal steps in becoming a Felician sister. This is a two-year program before making Temporary Vows for the next six years. After six years, final vows are made, a commitment for life. It’s been sixty-two years since, years filled with beautiful and not always beautiful memories and numerous Blessings and Miracles along the way.
I’ve been Blessed to be involved in Elementary Education for fifty-eight years along with being on various Parish Communities and Activities in Parish Ministry. My life has been enriched over the years working with many dedicated and Faith-filled individuals who have supported and inspired me over the years.
One ask many times, “what do you do when on retreat?” Retreat is always a special time to renew myself spiritually, reflect on my connected ness with God, to take time to reenergize and to deepen my relationship with God. It’s a privilege to have this special time each year to redirect, to quiet down, and examine if this is God’s will for me or my will at this time in my life.
Reading, doing floral arrangements, working on puzzles, and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors becomes a gift as well as my interests or hobbies.