
Written by: Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care

The Felician Sisters include in their Core Values for their sponsored ministries Justice & Peace. Blessed Mary Angela, the foundress of their congregation, inspired her Sisters to ensure fairness and equity between individuals and groups for the promotion of a peaceful community life. Inspired by St. Francis, Franciscan hearted people around the world strive to forgive others, to heal and reconcile, and to resolve conflict. Francis went to the center of battle during the Crusades to encourage both sides to be at peace. He also encouraged peace in his hometown of Assisi, directing the Mayor and the Bishop to end their struggles with each other.

We live in a world filled with strife. There are wars across the globe. We have personal disagreements with those around us. We get angry at other drivers on the road. There are racial disparities in our society enhanced by fear and dislike of the other. During Black History Month, let us strive to remember those who have worked for justice and peace, marched in support of civil rights, and left us words of beauty. Francis said in The Legend of the Three Companions, “As you announce peace with your mouth, make sure that greater peace is in your hearts. Let no one be provoked to anger or scandal through you, but may everyone be drawn to peace, kindness, and harmony through your gentleness. For we have been called to this: to heal the wounded, bind up the broken, and recall the erring.” The Legend of the Three Companions, 58.

Blessed Angela: “Like a good and faithful servant of Christ, bear difficulties which distress and afflict you with a patient heart ad with humility.”

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