Written by Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care
One of the Core Values of the ministry of Felician Village is Solidarity with People in Need. That value is described here: “Sensitive to need, we provide resources and services for the underserved, especially the financially disadvantaged.” There are always opportunities for us to uphold this value, as there are always those in need. This value urges us to move away from consumption for self and focus on aid for others. St. Francis hoped for his Brothers to be apart from the consumer economy of his time in the 1200s. Overconsumption and greed is not a new thing! Just as in the days of Francis, our focus on buying can separate us from the care of our sisters and brothers in Christ. Fr. David Couturier, OFM Cap., offers an examination of the economy of Franciscans in Franciscans and Their Finances: Economics in a Disenchanted World. He looks at what he calls a “Fraternal Economy” that provides direction for friars living in an unequal and unjust world, using goods and well managed time, talent and resources. It is good to know that the friars pay attention to their vow to live without anything of their own! Roderic Hewlett, in The Virtuous Economy: Reforms in the Franciscan Tradition, translates some of the ideals of the Franciscan Friars into what we can do as lay people. He talks about a “Virtuous Economy.” It’s not quite taking a vow of poverty! But, he does focus on limiting consumption to needs, employing wealth principles that put wealth into action to alleviate suffering, and focusing on the impact of consumption on global peace, the environment, security, and justice. In February we have the opportunity to participate in the “Virtuous Economy” and act on our Core Value of Solidarity with People in Need. The Help for the Homeless Hygiene drive begins in the last week of the month. Watch for information on what the particular needs are in our community. We will collect items in various locations around Felician Village so that we can offer assistance to those who are living without access to the basics for healthy living.