St. Elizabeth of Hungary – Reverencing the Other
Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care
This week we celebrate the feast day of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, a Third Order Franciscan who lived around the time of St. Francis. Her feast day is sometimes celebrated on November 17, other sources list it as November 19. Either way, it comes within a week of Thanksgiving this year. She cared for the poor and had several hospitals built to care for the sick. As a princess from Hungary, who married a German prince, she had a position that allowed her to be very generous. The family she married into was not happy with her generosity and when her husband died, she was removed from the palace, but given a small cottage for herself and her children. She continued to give and to serve for the rest of her days. She gave out of her poverty in her later days.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we are reminded of all for which we are thankful. The people in our lives, our safe shelters, and our food are all great gifts. We also remember those who are lacking in any way. Our gifts to food pantries and meal programs are so appreciated. Visiting with those who are lonely offers such kindness. The Felician Sisters emphasize solidarity with those in need. Our willingness to give demonstrates our reverence for the other, no matter their circumstances.
Blessed Angela: “May Jesus bless you and help you at every moment, may He give you strength and perseverance, may He enlighten you so that you will carry on with zeal and prudence.”