Written by Barb Spies, OFS, Director of Mission Services and Pastoral Care

Blessed Mary Angela Truskowska is the Foundress of the Felician Sisters. She was born on May 16, 1825, and died on October 10, 1899. So, we celebrate her feast day this week, the date that she entered into eternal life. Her life is a story of love of God and love of God’s people.

This week, during Mission & Heritage Week, we started our celebration with some Felician Village history trivia. Each person who participated received a button to pin on their shirt. One asked, “WWBAD” or “What would Blessed Angela Do?” The other was the answer to that question: “Serve Where You are Needed.” She began caring for others at a young age and determined that her life was meant to be one of caring for those in need. She worked with orphans and with women who were widowed and had no means of support.

Blessed Mary Angela worked under the guidance of Capuchin Franciscan Friars. She had a special love for St. Felix of Cantalice, who in the 1500s served the poor of Rome, especially the children. He was known for being a joyful person who thanked God for everything, saying “Deo Gratias.” This saint was the perfect role model for her in her Franciscan spirituality.

Blessed Angela saw everyone as her neighbor and emphasized the dignity of the human person. She made sure that the orphans were well cared for and were educated. She helped everyone without distinction, even during the occupation of Poland, where she and her Sisters cared for both Russian and Polish soldiers.

This woman started a movement in Poland that carried across the European continent to North America. The Felician Sisters came to Wisconsin 150 years ago and have continued their commitment to compassionate care with their charism of being Christ present in the world today. They live Blessed Angela’s boundless love of God, surrendering to God’s will through compassionate and merciful service, total availability, and concern for the salvation of all.

On Thursday, October 10, please keep the Felician Sisters in your prayers and especially offer thanks for the gift of Blessed Angela.

Blessed Angela: “Induce in yourself acts of love for Jesus Christ during the day.”

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